For dynamic functions only: this returns the element of variable v (can be self) in a previous dynamic time period (n periods back). This appears as: v[Time-n]. See the Dynamic function for details. This returns the element of v for which index i has value u. It is the same as Subscript, except v must be a variable. This returns values as follows: the first element is the same as the first element of a, each other element is between the corresponding elements of a and the previous one. It is like a discrete differential operator. This creates a table with indexes i1, i2…in, followed by an expression for each element. For example, Table( i1, i2 )( 1, 3, 2, 8, 9, 6 ) -> two-dimensional table indexed by i1 and i2. This sums array a across index i. This returns the element of a for which index i has value u. u must be one of the values of index i. Subscript is essentially the same as a[i=u], except a may be a general expression. This sorts index i according to the ranks of array a. This returns the xth value of array a along index i. x may also be an array of value, in which case, Demos will return an array of corresponding values from a. This returns the size, or number of items, in x. This creates an array of values from integer values r to s (if t is omitted), or non-integer values with step t. For example, Sequence( 1,3 ) -> [1,2,3], Sequence( 3.2,3.4,0.1 ) -> [3.2,3.3,3.4]. This re-orders the indexes in array a according to the index list provided. This should only be used for formatting results for external programs. This returns an array of the rank values (order from min to max) of array a; the lowest value in a has a rank value of 1, the next-lowest has a rank value of 2, and so on. This computes the product of array a, across index i. This normalizes values in array a such that the area under index i is 1. This returns the minimum or lowest valued element(s) of x, across index i. To get the minimum of two numbers, you must make them into an array: Min( [a, b] ). This returns the maximum or highest valued element(s) of x, across index i. To get the maximum of two numbers, you must make them into an array: Max( [a, b] ). This integrates by cumulating trapezoids of array a, across index i. This creates a table indexed by discrete outcomes of its inputs, whose result is conditioned on the values of its inputs. This computes the sum of all the elements of array a, along index i, up to and including the corresponding element of a. For example, given a:=[1,2,3], Cumulate(a) -> [1,3,6] This concatenates arrays a and b, across respective indexes i and j, and assigns index k to the resulting dimension. This slices item r out of index i. A Popup menu appears in the definition for easy user selection the index item r. This returns the mean value of array a, averaged over index i. This assigns one or more indices to the dimensions of array a (usually an unindexed list). For example, given i:=['low','high'], Array( i, [2,3] ) -> table indexed by i. This computes the area (sum of trapezoids) of array a under index i.